Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day Three: Mmm Stir fry... eh packing.

Today I packed and packed. I tried to pack all the non-essential items I could find. I feel like I did not pack enough. We shall see tomorrow.We're doing a "mini" move tomorrow. Trying to lighten the load off of the major move. Eh. I really hate moving, it's so stressful and disorganized. On the plus side we have decided on where we shall reside next (after this interlude). DOWNTOWN MADISON. Yes folks that's right, downtown Madison. I'm tired of feeling like an old person at 22. Time to be able to walk to things like the co-op, farmers market, the children's museum and many coffee shops! Ahh sigh of relief. Okay Continue.

Tonight's dinner was one that I have made several times before. It's an easy Asian stir fry using Pan fried tofu, sesame oil coated whole wheat linguine and a veg mix of nappa cabbage, shredded carrots, green onions, peapods, fresh ginger and garlic. Quickly stir fry, add in a bit of soy sauce (chili paste if you wish) and TA-DAH tasty dinner.   

Weirds me out a bit how much that piece of tofu looks like a fillet of fish...

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